recent empties

Hello & welcome back!! I’m excited to share some more products with you that I have recently finished up. There have been a ton of great products lately, some longtime favourites and some newer loves that I will absolutely be restocking. Summer Fridays Lip Butter (Iced Coffee) As I’m sure you know, I am aContinue reading “recent empties”

april favourites

Hi friends! I’m so excited to be sharing another months of favourites with you. This was a great month, I’m really leaning into all the spring things currently. Spoiler alert there are a lot of food favourites this month! But, let’s start off with the most important (& the only non-food favourite): The Tortured PoetsContinue reading “april favourites”

spring kale salad

Hi friends! I got so much kind feedback after sharing my lunch idea’s post last week that I wanted to keep sharing some lunch inspo! I ended up making a salad this week that was so incredible I thought it deserved it’s own post. There are quite a few ingredients in it, but I madeContinue reading “spring kale salad”